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Every time I try and purchase any of the transformation potions, the game crashes, stating:

File "game/scripts/backend/items.rpy", line 140, in buy

AttributeError: 'TransformPotion' object has no attribute 'ingredients'

Is this a known error?

i try to install,my cellphone is almost full but i even when i clean for some space it say tha didnt installed

I'm probably a little late on this, but on Androids (from my experience with mine), before downloading the apk you generally need around 3-4x the amount of space the apk takes up to be able to fully install it. This is because it essentially needs to install the game 3 times over, once to download the apk, once more to initialize the apk, and one final time to install the app. Hope this helps!

So i met Koa while working at the bar and later got "sniffed out" by him.
but it feels like i missed an event, cause in the bar they seemed to behave like they already know each other and not like meeting for the first time.


Can you please add a hide button on Phone version? 

It will be very nice<3

(1 edit)
Why after completing Harold's quest is there still a death flag when hitting his trap? I literally became a goo and it's game over anyway. It's so sad. Maybe I just fell in love. Let me sit in Harolt's balls without the death flag. >w<.

How to fight 3 street rat  and How to win the battles???

Currently, I am stuck  at the start of the rpg mode, i read something on wiki that i have to level up to level 2 in order to continue the story. And to achieve that , i think that i need to find the street rats and fight them. But when i started finding them in rpg mode, i don't know where they are. 

 Even though i encountered them in the second quest (the quest that occurred in the sewer), i found that it is impossible to win them in the second quest , because i couldn't increase my muscle stat at all, plus the gym is locked in the second quest. 

I already met Kuri at some point in the rpg mode 

NOTE: i am using the public version.

The wiki is for the previous/twine version of the game. Currently, there are no levels and you cannot win any fights either.

does anyone know what the code is for the quest in "The New Start Of You"????


(1 edit) (+1)

Hey guys, i missed the computer password in the beginning. Any hints on what it is? Also I need help with the rat den... i can't get to the shop to get more clues for the keypad by the rat den cuz I can't sleep till morning and i pass out before i can get to the shop.... 


The password to Mac's computer is goblinsarerealman. 


tnx man!

English is not my native language.

The "Black Panther" event listed on the "Fandom wiki" only occurs in the park at night,

How can the second event in the "Winners Circle" occur?

I go to the "Winners Circle" early in the morning every day, but it does not show up in PATS.

Is this an event that does not occur in the public version?

The wiki is for the non-renpy/twine version of the game. Most of the information there does not apply to the current build.

(1 edit)

Can you become a gal in the current version of the game, i figure not, or if it even be be a planned feature at all.


It's purely gay, I'm afraid.

asking partially cause damn I want some of gen.

Gen is a special case. you wont become a Gal.
But seeing earlier version of SBA it is pretty likely that you can become a Cunt-boy and get together with Gen that way in some future update.

Hope so.


There seems to be some kind of continuity issue with Harold story and maybe also with getting a job at the bar? I dont remember being offered to work there but i can now.. and i had scenes with Harold with me being made of goo before i accepted his offer to become goo


how to get muddy water?

I've been trying to figure that out too. It's the last thing I need for the Orc transformation. 

Not in the game yet. And even if it were, you cannot start the Bloodthirster training right now either.

I really wish in the next update they fix that money glitch, I've been trying to get potions and other stuff but all it says is 'Done' and it doesn't show up in my inventory even though it says I've made a purchase, I also wish I can see how much money I actually have or have earned or lost, it's so infuriating trying to guess how much you have without anything to tell you.

From my testing, unless you've already gotten to the event where you can start earning money; triggered by trying to buy something from Aero before you'd normally have money; you're stuck. I've also tried getting rid of the money by passing out in the Western District a little over 2 dozen times so far with no change. I can think of 3 possible reasons for this: 1) It's not actually taking the money, 2) The flag in the code for having money can't go away the way it currently is, or 3) The rate of money loss for passing out is either extremely slow, or fractional, the latter potentially meaning you can't lose all money that way. I'll be curious if they provide any explanation in the changelog once it does get fixed.

Guys, I'm at the moment where I have to turn into a mouse but I don't see a phone or any way to access an inventory to use the potion. What do I do?

Press 'P' to bring up the phone.

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't find any way to progress into the main story quests. I've gotten through the coded door, got PATS,  and have now spent over a month in-game time running down every interaction possible, but there's no information on how to move forward. The wiki mentions leveling up through training, but there's no option to train at the gym or anywhere else, only to 'hang out'. I've tried buying things at Kuri's, Aero's, and Foxxuck's; when an item is selected it doesn't give a price, just has a 'Done' button, and when that's clicked it claims I've received the item, though nothing shows up in any of the three inventories. No new text messages since Trald's "I got my guy on the case!...", and no interactions give any clue on how to proceed. I've resorted to saving and reloading at least half a dozen times for each interaction to try and get whatever I'm missing. As far as I can tell I'm at the point where I'm supposed to receive a call from Zorro but as it seems I've exhausted every option it's gotten frustrating. It's a new game as of the latest build (23.04.16). It's as likely as anything that I'm missing something very obvious; wouldn't be the first time; but any help would be very much appreciated.

(1 edit)

So, best guess is that it has to do with the 100 coin gift. Maybe the game detects the player has money and that prevents triggering the event for you to start earning money, which as far as I can tell is the gateway into pretty much everything else.

As a test, I reverted to a save before getting PATS, then tried getting rid of the coins by repeatedly passing out in the Western District, then occasionally saving and trying to buy something from Aero, reverting to the save when it doesn't work. There's nowhere for me to see how many coins I currently have, and I've no idea now much is lost per incident. I've done it a dozen times so far, but still get the same result when trying to buy something; it doesn't give me a price, but acts like the purchase was successful.

Same, I'm so lost.


for some reason i'm stuck at kuri's shop, it shows me the power pump and the look enhancer and that's it, can't buy them and can't walk away. am i doing something wrong? i got a coffee at the fox place so maybe i don't have enough money?

I can't seem to figure out the number password for the sewer doors I think I'm overthinking it but there's 8 numbers I can put in so it makes me feel like it's a complicated one



i finished that part but now my inventory won't work I can't buy items or obtain any items

How do you find Harold after his introductory scene? I'm past the rat gang arc and the wiki says I should be finding him in the gym. The only people I see in the gym are Trald in the morning and Gen after noon. Am I missing something?


This Game really needs a Guide, to know which person is avaible at what time and what requirement is necessary for certain events. Since the game right now has ALOT of empty timeframes were just nothing happens.
and we still have to wait until they come up with a better version of the PATS/MAPS apps. 

when i'm back home, the phone screen is still white and can't progress any further.

Does this mean i have to restart the game from the start?

Did i miss a promp or get locked out of certain actions? 

I cant seem to join a lot of what seems to be events like the bat at the spa or the giraffe with the growth potion, or are these just dead end events?

does anyone know how to find harold? i've only found him once in western district

I had to restart to meet him before getting the PATs for a non-gameover scene and after for the gameover.. ive yet to see him at the park or the bar tho

I've been trying for a while now but i don't know how to turn on vore, Could anyone say how?

You get the choice on chapter 3 when you meet Bianchi for the first time.

So there's an infinite loop when you before start a third conversation with Greg in the park. You just open pats with conversation and then its freeze


Fixed now! Sorry about that.


Hey, I cant really start a new save file, it shows me the meeting the hung werewolf with trald and then crashes

same here

The latest update should take care of this.

My bad! I fixed it this time around.

I can't get past the beginning, as the game crashes due to some error.

Sorry about that. There's an update available!


There should be a wait function that doesnt use stamina, hard to lign up times of day. Also agree that this game is quite hard to play to get to the good content, the phone system is not great.

On the Twine version, that was done by sleeping/hanging out with Goliath. I guess that they're going for the same on this one with Goliath and Blade.

(2 edits) (+3)

Got informed that they are working on a fix already and that they will discuss how to make the GPS/pats thing better in the future.
just so everyone here knows.


Hi, sorry to tell you this but the game hits code crashes going into the W. District, the CV Arena, and during one of the talks with Grisus

For CV Arena, it seems to depend on the time. Between 0-3 AM I get that issue, but at any other time I can enter without issues (an event happening at that time?).

I'm guessing W. District might be similar, since I've not had it crash by just entering that area.


I just fixed a huge amount of bugs so be sure to check for an update!

I just saw, you got a good amount of them, right now i can tell you that the second conversation with the professor is bugged, and Greg's image doesn't show up in Winners circle

(1 edit)

There's also a huge error cluster when trald finds the wolf in the park, took me like 15 ignores before I could continue. Also, when talking to trald at the gym about working there as a masseuse there's a good amount as well 

These should all be fixed now.

I just fixed a huge amount of bugs so be sure to check for an update!


The game immediately crashes upon entering W. District after most recent public update.


I just fixed a huge amount of bugs so be sure to check for an update!


Maybe you can add a hide button?


press 'H' key 

if using mobile, have no idea 


Love the tongue/spit/kissing fetish and how prominent it is. You never see that in these gaymes and I'm glad it's here.

(3 edits) (+6)

okay, so i tryed the patch version with the working phone and , i am very sorry to say this, but the whole PATS/GPS design with the permanent phone at the side and the switching in between is still really bad and annoying
You already explained in the past why you want the system cause things would get to cluttered in the middle in future versions.
So i admit i am no programmer but i had the idea: why not use the icons you are already using in the phone  for the main picture so that you can still put away your phone AND dont need to switch between two apps ?
i took a bit of time with a Picture editor to show you what i mean.

(4 edits) (+3)

As seen here, lots of space in the middle to put whatever stuff there and no need for a permanent phone on the side.
Upper left icons for moving around and lower right icons showing all people that are avaible at the time to interact with and to be directly clickable without using phone/app).
Now its just an idea, and i fully understand if you dont want it (or it is not at all possible or doesnt work with your game idea,
I just dont wanted to be one of these people who always complain but never bring up an idea of there own, thats all xD


The PATS/GPS system is terrible.

  1. Open GPS, move to next area till you get where you're going
  2. Close GPS
  3. Open PATS to see if anyone is there.
  4. Close PATS
  5. Open GPS -> back to step 1 as I wander randomly around checking each place every day at different times to see if someone is there or if there's something to do.

That's a LOT of clicks and menus. It's repetitive and annoying and unnecessary. 

You could for instance: 

  • put a marker on GPS locations with active people/events
  • alternatively show in PATS where people are - it's a messaging app so why do you have to be in the same location to find someone?
  • Mermidon's idea of adding portraits is even better - if you're in the same area you should just be able to see who else is there.

The GPS windows are pretty empty - why not put ALL locations in one GPS window - that should save a lot of clicking and opening and closing screens.


just to clarify, the intention of the portraits in the lower right was not only to see who is there but also that portraits itself were clickable so that one can start interacting with the person directly without the need of pulling up the phone or opening an app. i didnt really describes it right the first time. xD (time to fix that)


the story has not progressed an inch since i got the PATS/GPS is there no story after that point? ive just spent ages going in cicles skipping throught the same dialogue with the same group of npcs

I'm stuck on the 'Army in the making mission'' because my character can't stay awake until midnight to start it, but just passes out and always wakes up in the morning. Does someone know how to get to midnight without passing out?


There's no way to continue it at the moment.

This game have Is the CG image similar to the game cover?

(6 edits) (+3)

EDIT: Issue has been fixed, but leaving workaround here just in case.

For everyone experiencing the same issue with the white screen when the PATS/GPS apps are first introduced, try hitting on Back to return to the conversation with Zorro and open the phone menu (right click on PC/click Phone on Android). You'll see that both apps are already there, so open the GPS app and close the phone menu while it's still open (right click on PC/X under the phone screen on Android).

This should let you use it once the conversation ends and allow you to get out of the house. Once outside, you can freely use any app that you want and continue to explore the current content, but take into account that if you go back to the house manually, use PATS inside, or go to sleep/bathroom, the white screen issue will continue (events such as the getting tired out or washing the bathroom for Boss will not trigger this issue even if they take you inside the house).

Also, after you meet 5 different people, the next part of the story triggers and at the end of it the error will happen again with no way of fixing it since you can't open the phone during conversations anymore, so try having a couple of saves on hand until it gets fixed.


Thanks for helping everyone!

This has been fixed now and you shouldn't have to work around it anymore.

i am stuck at den of rats quest

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