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How do I know when the flag are activated? 


I don't think there's a way to see them. It all depend of the actions you take (like, if you sniff the rabbit's towel in the gym, it'll enable this flag). But it could be nice to be able to see which one are on ^^


You're welcome :p (and the example I gave was for the musk flag. Reading it again, I just saw I didn't say which flag x) )

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Anyone can tell me how to get play with doggo option? I already done the wolf pet quest and going back and forth in player house. Already did activate inflation flag. But it seems i can't just get the option.


Which option are you talking about exactly ? I remember one when you go to sleep, but don't remember if there's another one


Just wondering, are you planning to include mpreg? I understand how most games like these often need you to body morph to female in order to get pregnant. Though it would be nice if you can just stay as a male and still have the option to do so anyway, maybe something that can be unlocked.


Yes. It'll be a bit cause of the engine change and the coder change, along with a number of things. But mpreg will be a thing, and no you won't be turning into a chick. Most will still have you with a junk in the front, esp if you wanna get others preggers, while some will require a temp cunt based on the character's wants.

This is a m/m game and you'll never turn into a chick.


You know we love you

Is there a way to play this on android ? Really don't have a time to play it on pc .


Not yet. But it seem it's planned, it might be easier when they'll have finish with Ren'py (must say I don't know how it works with it x) )


Hope we'll have news from the devs soon x)


We're still chugging along. Hoping to have a build out sometime next month. No promises but we're trying. Will make a post about it once we can commit to something for sure.

Ok ^^ I know it's pretty hard to give news when we cannot be sure about what we could say ^^ Hope it's not too hard if you stopped the Patreon incomes, as you didn't deliver a build since two months :/

Is there a guide anywhere. I don't really know how to progress with this game rn?

  Not the best guide, and not up to date, but it helps

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Why cant i increase the enemy lust in combat? it dont give me the option to tease or anything.  I must be dumb or missing some thing :(


You'll unlock it at a moment. I must say I don't remember when you unlock it, but I wonder if it's thanks to Xav, that you learn the teasing thing, like Trald or Zorro teach you some attacks.

I feel bumb out that it's can't be played in Android.


It will be one day, it's planned :p (if I don't say shit)

Good morning, I'm starting a new save with a focus on Trad now, but the option "what happened to Ruvin" doesn't appear for us to work with it. what is the requirement to access it. (I've already completed the first quest).

I'm not sure but I don't remember if all the jobs have been implemented (I know for example that there's nothing for Grisus), so I don't know if there's something for Trald yet

Have you finish the bit with Trald in the park where you later get a doggo.  After I completed that part the "What happened to Ruvin" popped up.  Tralds is the massage job at the gym.  All jobs are in as far as I have seen but may need to double check.

how does one do anything with the werewolf we take home? i only get the shower scene and other than that nothing.

If you sleep at home, you can have a scene too

which scene is it? and what time do i sleep till? like evening, night, morning, afternoon?

I must say I don't remember (and I'm a bit lost in my saves x) ). But when you go to sleep, from what I remember, you have your wolfie rimming you. I don't know if there's a certain time where you can have it.

Ok I'll see if I can find it.

Do you have any forecast of when will release the android version? I would really be a happy person if I launched it before 06/07, because after that I'll go back to work and I'll only have internet again around 09/02... T_T


Hi, I've been playing this game for about.. 3-4 ish hours, all I know is. Whenever the big move happens with the new playable update. I'm becoming a patron. Just the content alone has me hooked. I can't wait, I definitely recommend this game.

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Hey, I'm just coming to the news, is everything going along ? Everybody's fine ? Is the new coder working well ? :p Do you think we'll have something this month ? I'm craving for those boys (and their bulge) x)

Edit : btw, the discord is totally dead, right ? :/

Which potion helps increase weight? I feel like it's the defense one but I'm not sure.


I just checked, and I really don't think potions gives you weight. If you eat at home, you should get weight.

I've tried that many times and it's never seemed to increase the weight of my character

You tried every meals ? Maybe some do, or you have to eat way more ^^ I must say I remember having sometimes 1 in weight, but I don't remember how I did.

It's really hard to tell what to do, and the save system is... not very enjoyable.

We're in the works of moving the game over to renpy. Check the last 2 dev logs for more info about it.

Question for the dev, will you keep the fact that we can work for only one person ? Or will we be able to work for them all in one game ? 


One only. Not too sure it'll be tied by the same way, but definitely you'll have to choose 1 of the 6.

How to work for Kuri?

I think that being on Zorro's good side is not implemented yet (or not working, at least I never got it too). Just wait for the new changes, and we should be able to ^^

I love the references to "Half-life VR but the AI is self-aware"! They're hilarious! Also I could have sworn this was downloadable at one point. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have a copy of this somewhere on my device...

If you have the app, it's downloadable. Just issues going on. Once we move over to renpy, it'll only be downloadable.

How do you use skill points?

I don't think you can use them atm x) At least, I never found too how

Which potion enhances Mass\Weight?

There's none from Kru, from what I remember. I don't exactly know if there's one from Kuri at his store, been a while I didn't play, but you can get weight by eating a lot

where can you find rat cum


I don't remember if the rat fight give you some (I would say yes, but not totally sure). If not, check Aero's junk. If there's a product with rat in the name, might be its cum x)

ow to find canine cum? I dont find anyone to fight for it.


Check in Aero's Junk. I don't remember the name, but if you buy something with a name related to canine, it should be its cum. (but I'm not 100% sure x) )


okay while I sincerely doubt it i just had to ask: are Jake and Ritch in the game as well? Between Aero and finding Grisus the crossover characters are giving me some false hope here lol  

Deleted post

What is the protag? A human or an animal?

He's a human, but in the CGs, the artist show him as a lizard guy ^^ I don't know why, but at least, we have nice CGs :p


He can be a human but if you do some things for zorro that can change.

how I spend on The Bartender In the Dead Of Night?

interesting but easily one of the most confusing games ever, mostly left wandering without a damn clue on how to progress, some sort of tips section or maybe more straightforwardness would be nice

There's a wiki online, it can help to find some things, but haven't been updated since a while ^^

I’ll have to go looking for that thanks, also I’ve experienced an issue with the fight with the drunken wolf, after attacking Theres no way for me to progress because the continue button refuses to work, probably should look into that


Oh, in fact, that's a problem x) On what are you playing ? Hopefully, Ren'Py should fix all the little problems that can appear here ^^
  And here's the link, just thought I could already give it x)


I don't remember, is there a specific day for the updates ? I'm really curious to see how it went with Unity ^^ And I hope everybody's fine in the team !


Hey! Thanks for being so active and answering what you can on here. Got some bad news along with some brighter news. Unfortunately the team's been having issues and the coder has lift due to personal issues in his life. The team's got a new coder but that really left a dent on them. Should be posting an update about it all soon outside of the patreon posts public and not.

You're welcome :p I hope it'll go smoother with the new one ^^ (sadly, I hate code, and I'm on Unreal x) )

Can you guys add a download link please


It'll be added for the next udpate. Atm, it's only html.

Deleted 1 year ago

Well, see azuloomaki's answer above ^^ Switching from a program to another is quite difficult

Deleted 1 year ago

He just said he had a problem with coders. Let them take their time to deliver a smooth game rather than a rushed one x) And from what I understood in the different updates, they planned to do so, but it's only in the last where they said that they were doing it.


This game really needs an up-to date Wikipedia. I'm completely getting lost while playing it, not knowing how to progress further.


I was thinking about doing one after the unity update, but don't know if I'll have the time atm, with my exams coming, and that I'll go at my parent's soon after x) (and my computer will be in the middle of the living room x) ). But I'll try.

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I don't really know, but if I go to the bar multiple times in one night (not leaving the building), he appear at a moment. Not totally sure, but it was most of the time after midnight.

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why can’t I download this?

It's only an html game for now. But next update, you should be able to, they're switching on unity

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How do I unlock chase ive been trying to talk to greg for his 2nd hangout event but im still not getting it. 

where can I get jar of lard?

At areo's store it will be called big belly packs

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   RAGE MOMENT.......... It been half a  month and It still hard  to find some (quests or missions) but I got to still wing it so I can beat the game.

also I Die 5 times since I played.

Aaaaah, when is that damned end of the month ????? x)

i dont know why but i cant find the character list thing that lists out what they like

It's the heart icon with a pinkish background. But it's not implemented yet. Maybe on the next update, with the switch on unity, I don't know ^^

I'm stuck on the "Panther and his problems" quest...

It doesn't go further atm. If you choose the sub route, there's a bit "more", but the "dom" route, you're stuck with him saying to meet him during the night.


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