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uhhh how can i find money? help please

You have to unlock the talk event with Zorro at home, whereby he'll then let you sell the random items you find in other events to him. 

You can read about the event, titled "Zorro Talks At Home d1 (Is There Any Way I Can Make Money?)", over here on the Player's House wiki page:

In short, you'll need to try to buy something from Aero's Junk or try to get a membership at the Gym before the option with Zorro becomes available. 

Alternatively, with the latest Patreon one month ahead update, you can get a job with Kuri, but that requires level 2 and getting past the first Main Story Quest in a specific way to unlock. It's far easier just to sell stuff to Zorro at the beginning. 

oh.... i get it now thank you!!

(1 edit) (-3)

i would like to see there bottle feeling with equine canine feline and rat piss


There will be more events with watersports just like Phantom has.

Is there romance in this game, or just sex?

Just sex for now. The closest guy to having a date is with Bloodthirster, and that won't be for another 2 updates for the public version, and you would have to had done his previous 2 events where he fucked you both times. The next ones who will require you to date them before they begin to touch you is Kevin and Chase.

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Do you have planned to release updates that aren't to play in browser? That you can download and play offline? 

Once we get a proper coder, yes.

That's wonderful to know. Can't wait! :) 

How do you know what day it is in game cause quest for trald says a Sunday in the afternoon and I don't see a thing telling me what day

It's just flavor text. Just go to the park in the afternoon and meet him there.


It just says I can't do anything cause Zorro won't allow me to interact with him

You need to do the 1st main story quest

And that is?


See the Working For Zorro Quest Event over on the wiki:

In short,the requirements are you'll have to have met Kuri in the Afternoon in the Park. See the Kuri Intro Quest and its requirements here:

And then you'll also need to be level 2, which is done by fighting the Drunk Wolf once, leveling up with someone (Zorro, Trald, or Xav), then winning a fight against the Street Horse or Street Rat three times and leveling up again with the same trainer you picked the first time. 

Then you'll get a call from Zorro in a random event to tell you to go talk to him. Do so and pick the new talk option to start the quest. You'll also need to have done the first Hangout event with one of the characters in order to take them with you (Ferron's the only one that doesn't count for that). 

I didn’t receive Zorro’s message after meeting Kuri. Why and I’m already level 2

There was a bug in the engine where if you clicked on the option to meet Kuri, and you had another quest in the park to do suck as Trald's tf, it would skip meeting Kuri event and still give you the flag for doing his event. This bug ruined your save file. I can either fix it if you give me a save file or you will have to start a new game.

How should i give you

You can either give us the file on a pm on patreon or on discord. I don't think itch has anything like that.

cant for the life of me figure out how to increase muscles

Check the faq changing appearance

i looked at that and that's confusing I encountered the drunk wolf then went to Zorro I didn't see a option or anything and I went to talk to all three of those guys and nothing happened


You don't need to encounter the drunk wolf to increase muscle mass. You just need to talk to Gen when he's working to get his quest and buy the item from Kuri. Are you talking about lving up and not increasing your muscle?

i think black panther is my favorite god his scenes are so hot awesome job with them

I'm playing the non-patreon browser version and for the life of me I can't seem to progress the main story quest to the event with Ruvin. I'm level 2, I seem to have exhausted the hang out events but I'm not getting a call from Zorro or a dialogue option. The wiki just says to get to level 2 and meet Kuri, but I've done that and now I'm just aimlessly hitting the explore button in different areas. Zorro sent me a text but never actually cashes in the favor I owe him.

Yes, after you get to lv 2 and have meet Kuri, then you'll get an event to pop up in your neighborhood where Zorro tells you to come home. When he's there, there is a new option of "You wanted to see me Zorro?", where it will start the quest.

I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I get the first message and the dialogue asking him about a message from the park, he says he'll think of a favor for me to perform, and then I spend multiple days doing nothing but exploring the neighborhood waiting for that second call and nothing happens? Is it just bad luck with random chance

If you got a text from him in the park, then that's the text he sends to you some time after you met Kuri. The text he sends to you is in the neighborhood where he tells you, you need to start earning your keep. It's an automatic trigger as soon as you meet all requirements when you enter the neighborhood.

I really don't know how else to explain. Kuri is in the Park, I'm level 2, Zorro already called me a mooch but then told me he'd think of something for me to do, I've done the hang out events, but I can't trigger anything else.

The engine apparently made you go through multiple ones if you had questies with Kuri, so if you didn't actually get his event, it would mark you clear for his event but not have met him. I changed it just in case it was you had another quest there along with trying to meet Kuri.

Deleted 4 years ago

Just do his hangout events in the neighborhood and the gym, in the 2nd workout event in the gym look at his slippage, and bring him along in the msq. Once he is further along in his story, he'll start to open up more to you. and open up a way for you to turn into what he likes.

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I exercised with Gen for many days, but still no change,how should I hangout Gen I am confused. 

Guys im kinda stuck and dont know where to go. Is there any wlakthrough guide or something online. I managed to go with gen and trald to some bridge where some building explodes and then zorro arrives. after that section nothing seems to work. Also how do i actually train with trald/gen.

Yes, there is. The fan made wiki. The link is it up there

i'm gonna wait to play at your game on computer, because it's no possible to play comfy with web browser on android device, crash everytime! so sad! i have no computer. huhu.....

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No clue why it's crashing on on mobile for you. Might have to go back to hosting on an external website since the game might be too big for itch for phone users... Bright side, later today an update is coming. Chunky too.


can you guys put pictures especially during sex scenes. thx.

Several of them already do. And new CG images are coming out all the time. 

Really i never saw them i will try to play more i guess and see if i find them thx for the info.

The public update that comes out on the 8th will have 2 new CGs, I believe. Not counting new character images. 

(1 edit)

 Question 1, how do I get to do something with Leon? I've tried be cute and be handsome but I ended up with the same response. There is a level of cuteness? Or is a sequence of response that I'm not finding it?

Question 2, is kru Quest on downtown available or the Wikia is wrong with that?

Question 3, is there a date to the free version update yet?

Do you mean the Leon event in the Park? You do have to be cute and you have to ask him if something is wrong. And to get the event in the first place, you have to have met Leon first through Greg's Vore Lesson event. 

Kru's Quest should be there. You started it by asking Kru about transformation at your house, right? You have to have seen a transformation event, such as the otter CTF in the CV Arena, before the question will be available for anyone. 

All updates, from Public to Patreon, happen generally on the 8th of the month. 

for some reason I can't get Leon quest done. He always says that he will get from someone else...

About kru event, I didn't realize that it was a transformation event. I already had done with trald so... Only in other save now.

Thx for the answer

You've done the first level up event with someone, right? After you do that, you unlock the Appearance tab on the sidebar. In that tab, does it say "Your skin is as smooth as you are as cute"? That's how you make sure you have the Cute setting properly unlocked. 

yes honey. I have done basically everything that is possible in one save, that's the problem. Leon event is the only one that I can't

I don't know what to tell you. To check, I just started an entirely new game on the Patreon version and played through everything to get the requirements I listed and then I got the Leon Park event and it worked fine. So long as you don't pick the options that end the conversation, you can eventually ask "Something wrong?" and then that leads into the sex scene. 


I loved the game, but i wanted to ask if is intented for the player to be mostly a bottom? or am i doing something wrong?

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There are scenes where the player is the top, such as winning fights, and randoms events here and there. There aren't many bottoms/verse characters in the game yet other than Aero and Leon that you can have sex with, but they are coming. There will be more bottom scenes than tops because patreons mostly request it, but we will continue to add more.

The next version will be coming with more tops scenes as well.

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

The new Patreon one at the CV Arena? You have to have met Bloodthirster before by getting to the Ferron Hangout event at the Gym. And then the CV Arena event has variant scenes depending on if you're handsome or cute. If you want to have the sex scene with him, then you need to have cute looks, which will require certain drinks from Foxxucks. And you'll need to have done his prior sex scene in the Gym.

The Wiki page has details on the event and the variations, it's the one titled Angry Buff Guy Coming Through:

For which drinks from Foxxucks to take to make you cute, see here:

Now if you're instead meaning his event at the Gym that's in the public version, which is titled Sweaty Angry Orc Pump, then you'll still need to have met Bloodthirster in the Ferron Hangout and you'll still need to be Cute. But, additionally, you'll need to have turned on the Musk flag, so his sweat draws you to him. 

Details on that event found here:

And you can turn the Musk flag on from the Forgotten Towel event in the Gym.

Deleted 3 years ago

I just double checked the requirements and, no, there's just the three flags for it. Have to have met Bloodthirster in the Ferron Hangout, must have Musk flag on, and must have Cute appearance. 

Are you absolutely sure your appearance is Cute? Under the Appearance tab on the sidebar (which only shows up after you've leveled up at least once), does it say "Your looking rugged and quite masculine." or "Your skin is as smooth as you are as cute."

If the former, then you're not in a cute state and you need to drink the appropriate drinks from Foxxucks until your cuteness is higher than your handsomeness, which will change the appearance text to the latter version. 

hi ! i love this game! can you add apk version, because this game crash on the browser and sometime i lose my save and restart at the begining. so sad. I hope is there a romance with trald,he is so hot! 

More Trald is coming, and we will see what we can do.

(1 edit)

The save file button should work on phones at the bottom. That way you won't have to worry about restarting because the cashe got deleted since you will have a hard save file. Maybe the crashing has to do with how itch works... Maybe should host on external website... Humm...


I would like to see there some piss in this browser game


Not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure it is one of the random encounters in The Neighborhood


i mean bottles with equine canine feline piss not only cum bottles and maybe also some sort of this scenes in game


I don't think there's any water sports related content yet... 

I encorage you to see the fan wiki. Some of the information may be wrong, but for majority is very reliable and you can see all the flags available to this game

Deleted 4 years ago

But there could be this content yes

Love the game but I have to ask, Is there a sex scene with Zorro?

No. At least not yet

Thank you for the reply!

(2 edits)

I can't seem to get Gen's lvl encounter not sure what i need to do i've done his regular workouts with kuri's drink more than a few times and i'm sure i meet the muscle requirement to get the encounter just not getting it :/ send help plz lol. I've also already done the 3 wins with drunken wolf.

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Apparently, they are not lvl up events. You will have them after you gain the required muscles statts but you just can lvl up with trald, xav and if I'm not mistaken with zorro

The wiki are made by fans and some of the info are not accurate. But mostly are.

Ah ok thanks trald it is then XD

the game seems pretty good, but for the life of me I cannot seem to get a job in it. I must be a bit slow, anyone know how to get one?

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You don't. You first ask Zorro for how to get money. Then he says you can sell some junk you find on your exploration. I think the most pricey junk you can sell is gold dust

I figured out the selling junk thing but didnt realize you just cant get a job. Do you happen to know where to get the lake and muddy water?

First you need the bottle. The goblins can give you that in a event when you explore the neighborhood. The fan wiki can help you a little. 

Just a reminder that somethings maybe not function anymore. The fan wiki is not made by the author so take with a grain of salt I guess

For the bottle, you can buy the "plastic bin" in the junk shop (glorified name for a bottle, I know),

Now, to get the muddy water, just explore the neighborhood on mornings and afternoons (haven't got that scene to prop up at night, so can't confirm if it happens or not),

To get the lake water, you gotta explore the park at night (random chance, so stock up on bottles before doing so).

I noticed alot of the stuff is really pure chance because I've done alot of this multiple times but you can see where I am now lol

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okay I will try to make this the last things I ask cause I feel bad asking so much. Been around so many of the wolves yet I cannot get a bottle of canine cum, where and how?? also if I just met the panther at the bar where do I meet him again next?

I think the only cum you get without buying it is the rat, hose and bottle of cum, the rest you buy on aero's shop.

Go to the park, you will see him again there and based on you route with him (sub or dom) you have different scenes.

Again, you can see the fan wiki, a lot of the events there is accurate. And you can see the drop of every local

Is it normal no images show up for me?

If you dled it, no, no images will show up. You need to play it by browser or dl it by app to have pictures.

Level up by Gen is available for the free version?

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Yes. They're not lv up events so you can encounter them under any circumstance as long as you meet the muscle requirements.

Also, thanks for helping others out.

(1 edit)

Its nothing. If I can help in some way I will. I wish I had money to support y'all on patreon but a dollar is very expensive in my country and with the whole thing that's happening right now I don't have money.

You're helping tons. Talking to others and helping out is important as well.  We'll do our part to help out more too soon! We're going to make that faq by or before next update and you'll have more info to direct people to ^^

Deleted 3 years ago

Aero's junk


How do I beat ruvin? 

No matter what I try I always end up having to submit to him. 

Plz help! 

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a sequence. The author didn't want that the fight to be easy. But because a lot of people ask for help now you can buy drinks on the bar to help with the fight.

I will not give you the sequence but a fine hint is that you want choose the options that look the less aggressive ones. The first and second paragraph changes and can give you a heads-up if you on the right path. I think is a good idea to save right before the fight and read the lines with attention <3

ok thx

Hey, just wanted to report a bug: no matter what I do the game throws an error following Gen's first hangout scene in the gym. It says "Error: the passage "WesterdistrictHub" does not exist." I'm assuming this is a typo in the code?

Thanks for reporting

How can I trigger the CG of a drunk wolf

You have to meet him again without being a fight

how do i get minotaur cum & tanuki cum?

Aero's shop


In the description of the items is more easy to know what is what

Deleted 3 years ago

First you need to go to the gym and hangout with him like four times. Have the quest in there then you have to pass the ruvin fight on the first main quest, then you will find him jogging on you neighborhood after midnight

Deleted 2 years ago

Aero's shop

(1 edit)

What counts as win in the drunk wolf and rat fights?, because i can't get the lesson from xav or trald

You can only have 1 person lv you up, so if you had Zorro lv you up, then the other 2 cannot do it on that save.


I have beaten Ruvin and Zorro wont teach me magic I have beaten all enemies multiple times

Cant start Gen second hangout in the neighborhood

The game says iv met Boss since I can find his sweat event even thought i havent met him yet and even thought the game says I have met him (even though I have not done event to meet him)  I cant get his drinking event(I see him drinking but cant join)

Cant find the Blood the orc in the gym iv met him thru Ferron but still cant find him

During one of the path of the Boar in the park you get a blank screen and have to backtrack

You can only have 1 person lv you up, so if you had done it with Trald, or Xav, the other 2 won't.

Gen only has 1 hangout event in the neighborhood, so I'm assuming you mean the one where you meet Boss. Did you start a new game, or did you load a save file then clicked update. You don't need to have met Boss to see him yelling in the neighborhood.

You're encountering Blood in the gym but he's not paying you any attention when he's working out because you don't interest him, so it's not the long event as if you were or if you're following the wiki. I don't think anyone updated the wiki. It's a fan made one so you'll have to wait till someone updates it. He also has a different scene in Ferron's hangout seen as well when you do.

Thought I fixed that... Wonder what's causing it to act up again...

I should really make an faq about systems in this game. Thanks for the idea.

(1 edit)

Didnt know that was how the leveling worked thanks for clearing that up

Started a new game yesterday then I guess I have done the Boss intro but skimmed thru reading it but when Boss drinks at night I only get encounter where I see him drinking then carry on

Thank you for the clarification and help 

I made a fix to help you out meet boss. Took awhile, and put in a button if the event refuses to show up.

Why no pictures in downloadable version?

To get the "true" downloadable version, install using the app (Desktop)

How would I do it from the app

After you dl and log into the app, on the search bar look up sbarpg then click install.

(1 edit)

Hi, me again

How to flags work? In other saves I could lick Kevin dry but now I can't even start this event and I'm pretty sure is because the musk flag.

Also I can't start the orc event on the gym or the second hangout with Gen in the neighborhood.

Also also, during the boar fight one of the last option go to a blank page and I always have to go back and choose other option

Also also also the kru event, is this a patreon only or there is a way of trigger that I'm too dumb to see?

Love you, please respond you so sexy haha

You know those random events that you can choose to either keep watching (or going in some cases) about specific fetishes and whatnot? Those are the "tag enablers" so to speak.

So if you want the musk flag enabled for example, you gotta go through the event which you're given a prompt to sniff someone or someone's stuff (the gym towel event for those wondering). If you choose to sniff it, it's enabled and will stay that way until you disable them by repeating the event and choosing the 3rd option that appears (it's always something that hints at forgetting it ever happenend or something to that effect).

Normally, there's one trigger per region and they only appear at certain times of the day so just keep exploring until you bump into one.

Thank you for trying to help me.

I've figured out whats happening with my save sometime later tho. It's was not because of the musk flag, it was something else 

But I really appreciate your help


how do I get tanuki cum?

Aero's shop


Can't beat the badger, no matter what options I choose.

how do i win the fight against the drunken wolf 


Ok, I have no idea how to pass ruvin. Is there something that I didn't get? Is there a prerequesite that I'm lacking? I've tried the options that makes more sense to avoid his touch or him being too rough like the hint you gave on the comments but I got nothing. Always game over

It's mostly in the description of the 1st or 2nd paragraph where you'll notice a difference in how he reacted for one option compared to the other 2. Don't worry though! The update on the 8th/9th will add in items which you can use during the fight to cheese it. And! There's not many things you need to have beat him yet in this build, and one of the things is broken for some reason. It's fixed in the next update along with a lot more things you need to have won to see.

So you'll be able to buy items, cheese it, then enjoy the unlocks soon enough.

I got to admit though, with the amount of people who are having trouble with him. I'm thinking I made the boss fight that's suppose to be hard, actually hard in an interactive fight that gives you leeway to mess up a number of times. Shame I'm adding in a system that will make this and all future boss fights trivial.

Oddly enough... I have passed the fight. Even tho I have no clue what I was choosing wrong. Thx any way

What combination did you do to win the fight because I'm having trouble with it


you have to try the ones that are less aggressive but still very entertaining to him. Touching his body but trying to tame his advances on you. Read the first and second lines of the fight, they give you a subtle clue if you are choosing the less aggressive ones

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I have a question. How do I make "friends" in this so I can make Zorro quest.

And the rat thug, there is a implemented way of getting on his base for more scenes?

Also, gym? Where I do get the clothes and the id to work out?

Check out the fan made wiki to help you out as well, but, you just need to hang out with one of the guys not ferron enough times till the scene changes. This number requirement is going down in the update on the 8/9 of this month. 

The rat stuff isn't in the game yet. We're letting patreon choose which area gets work on next, and working out is coming out in the update next week as well. Along with some more systems, as well as some more QOL things to make the game more streamlined and have some of the things you gotta spam less annoying. Such as having everyone important you can meet be something you can manually encounter, and not having to play the rng game to unlock areas.

im stuck in the game. the only thing on my quest  tracker is the panther quest and i dont know how to even find him. pls help

Check the fan wiki to see what's what. Though if you met  him at the bar, that's his last current interaction for now.


i am having a serious  issue with Ruvin I've been trying a bunch of different combinations of options  during the fight but non lead to anything but a game over. I read a comment made earlier about staying away from him and making him less aggressive and none of the options seem to make sense to do that either way. please help!

We're currently changing some things about the fights along with adding in some thing to the stores to make the fight go easier by you just chugging potions. Help is on it's way soon!

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